No online dating app would pair two such contrary people together and few cooks would dare mix such conflicting ingredients in one dish. Yet, like yin and yang; together they are greater than just the sum of their parts.Seborga, Italy is the quaint setting for the perfect mix of food and romance. Perhaps it is the unhurried atmosphere of the extraordinary location perched high on a hilltop overlooking the Mediterranean Sea in Italy or the surreal history that has bequeathed it a royal dynasty without power or wealth? Whatever is the answer, things seem to complement each other here, which simply would not blend anywhere else in the modern world. But even in the slow lane, things can change quickly. Alessandra is an Italian/American, Michelin star chef by choice and a princess by birth with a strong dislike of the French. Ben is English, a Francophile: a lecturer turned orange grower and lover of French wine, with a disdain for anything American. It’s an Unlikely Pairing. But in Seborga, anything is possible.
James Casey - Unlikely Pairings Book
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